The Drying Cake (DC) System is a simple-to-use laboratory device for measuring the Suction Stress Characteristic Curve (SSCC), which defines changes in effective stress for varying saturation conditions. From the SSCC curve, the user can obtain the Soil-Water Retention Curve (SWRC). The SSCC may be measured along either wetting or drying paths in as little as 5-7 days. The system is applicable for all major soil types, including sand, silts, and clays.
- -Digital camera and image processing software for the use of Particle Image Velocimetry technique
-Loading frame for measurement of Elastic modulus under different moisture contents
-See-through environmental chamber to control the drying or wetting rate of specimens
-Capability of testing two samples simultaneously
-Suction range to 100,000 kPa
-Control computer and graphical user interface for data acquisition and post-processing
-Completion of both wetting and drying SSCC in one-two weeks